What To Expect

The level of personalization in your Retirement Program cannot be overstated. Every private session takes place in Zoom, where you have Dr Val’s undivided attention. Session time is generally used primarily for exercise leadership, where Val assesses every movement and
provides encouraging direction and modification. Session time may also be used, as needed, for nutrition, sleep & lifestyle discussion, and life coaching.

The Senior Retirement Health Program includes the following:

Risk Stratification: Val calculates your greatest risks based on lifestyle, movement assessment, body composition, psychological interview and medical history

Goal Assessment: In addition to combating existing health problems and those of high risk, Val takes the time to understand your desired outcomes. Physical activities, cosmetic changes, and personal goals that you have for yourself will all become part of your customized retirement program.

Intervention: Val creates your initial needs, from exercise protocols and nutrition to the lifestyle changes necessary to reduce risk.

Behavior Modification: Altering the habits that create disease requires a strategy for change. Building the habits that prevent disease also require strategy. Val’s behavior-change strategies help clients into creating the lifestyle necessary for healthy, productive aging.

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